Great reasons to choose BTYSTE
Students have an opportunity to represent their school and town at the exhibition and meet other students with similar passions from all over the country.
Fantastic extracurricular activity to include in your CV when going forward in your career and/or college applications.
Develop Skillset
Entering a project will bring you outside of your comfort zone, help grow your confidence and develop your communication and interpersonal skills.
Benefits to Students
Fully comprehensive list of student benefits. Including:
- Higher order thinking
- Communication and interpersonal skills
- Confidence
- Working in a group
- Listening & understanding difference in opinions
- Time management
- Organisation

Main awards, Gold partners awards, Educator of Excellence, Special awards, Rev. Tom Burke bursary
The President’s Award
Put your BTYSTE project work towards a Gaisce Award!
The BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition is an official Gaisce Challenge Partner. Are you over 15 and taking part in BTYSTE this year? Does your school, or an organisation you’re involved with, offer Gaisce – The President’s Award?
Make the most of your BTYSTE project work by putting it towards the Personal Skills challenge area, one of four areas you will undertake as part of the Gaisce programme.
Gaisce is a personal development programme for young people aged 15-25 that encourages you to find your passion, get active and make a difference in your community!
For further information visit or ask the President’s Award Leader (PAL) at your school.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
The BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition has teamed up with The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award/Joint Award Initiative to enable young people (aged 14-24) who are planning and preparing a project for entry to the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition to use their participation to count towards the Skills section of the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.